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Isolation Ward

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Isolation Ward
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Isolation Ward
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Isolation wards are used when we need to hospitalise patients diagnosed with infectious diseases. This reduces the risk of spreading the disease to other animals. An isolation ward is a completely separate room, with a separate preparation area for food and medication. 

Veterinary staff entering the isolation ward put on personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, gowns, hair nets and shoe covers. Access to the isolation ward is restricted to the veterinary team involved in the care of the patient only, and visitation by the patient owners is not allowed.  

Some common diseases that may require isolation include:

  • Canine Parvovirus infection
  • Kennel cough
  • Feline panleukopenia virus infection
  • Cat flu (e.g. feline herpes virus and feline calicivirus) 
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Other General Services
Physical Health & Wellness Examination
A health and wellness examination is a routine checkup for your pet to assess their general health and well-being. This helps us ensure that your pet is healthy and allows us to catch any health problems early. Early intervention is when treatment is most likely to be successful.
Physical Health & Wellness Examination
Pocket and Exotic Pet Care
Pocket and exotic pets such as rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas, and terrapins have specific requirements for preventive healthcare, housing and diet. Our veterinary team will be able to provide you with nutritional, housing, and general pet care counselling, along with the identification and management of common health issues.
Pocket and Exotic Pet Care
Avian Pet Care
Avian medicine is a specific field in veterinary medicine that requires special training and facilities designed to treat birds. Our vets at Mount Pleasant Mandai have a special interest in avian medicine and can provide avian-specific veterinary care and advice.
Avian Pet Care
Other General Services
Physical Health & Wellness Examination
A health and wellness examination is a routine checkup for your pet to assess their general health and well-being. This helps us ensure that your pet is healthy and allows us to catch any health problems early. Early intervention is when treatment is most likely to be successful.
Physical Health & Wellness Examination
Pocket and Exotic Pet Care
Pocket and exotic pets such as rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas, and terrapins have specific requirements for preventive healthcare, housing and diet. Our veterinary team will be able to provide you with nutritional, housing, and general pet care counselling, along with the identification and management of common health issues.
Pocket and Exotic Pet Care
Avian Pet Care
Avian medicine is a specific field in veterinary medicine that requires special training and facilities designed to treat birds. Our vets at Mount Pleasant Mandai have a special interest in avian medicine and can provide avian-specific veterinary care and advice.
Avian Pet Care